What's with you, Constantino Jaraula? (running for Mayor of Cagayan de Oro) You are supposed to be one of Mindanao's brilliant minds. When you were in the city hall of Cagayan de Oro, people looked up to you because you were a no-nonsense councilor. Whenever you spoke, people listened because you always made a sense.
Now, you always made a sense. Now, you are full of the Charter Change crap. By chairing the cha-cha committee and by taking part in the House juggernaut, you have become a disgrace to Mindanao. How could you allow yourself to be become a part of this massive inexorable force that seems to crush everything in its way, Constantino?
You are such a disgrace to Cagayan de Oro and its people. You are even a disgrace to the Rotary, the organization you profess to love and seve.
Let me ask you four simple questions, Congressman and "Rotary International District Governor" Constatino Jaraula, and tell me if I am wrong in telling you that your actions in the House of Representatives is very un-Rotarian.
It is the truth? The "truth" is that Jose de Venecia wants to become prime minister. You have long been withholding this truth from the people. Is it fair to all concerned? Tell it to the millions of Filipinos who were sleeping while you, de Venecia and Co. staged that sneak attack. Was it fair to the House minority? Was it fair to use numerical superiority so just you can ram this unspeakable thing down our throat?
Will it build goodwill and better friendships? What "goodwill" and what "better friendship"? People are furios again, thanks to you. Will it be benefecial to all concerned? Says CBCP president and Archibishop Angel Lagdameo of Jaro of what you did: God save our country!" The only people who will benefit from what you are doing are people like you and de Venecia. You just flunked the Rotary's Four-Way Test, Mr RI District Governor. Your participation in the House sneak attack goes against everything the Rotary Club stands for.
You say you are retiring from politics. Why not retire now? You would be doing Filipinos, including Rotarians, a big favor if you step down - not tomorrow, not next year, but now . Retire and enjoy your new swimmning pool in Indahag.
You ought to retire from Rotary too, because, like your fellow Rotarian Jocjoc Bolante, you have given it bad name Too bad. You have spent the good years of your life in public service only to end it with a very ugly legacy. The name you built all these years has just been destroyed. Better make use of your remaining time to right the wrong and maybe, you can salvage whatever is left of your name.
Whenever I see you in TV I am reminded if that clown of a congressman from Maguindanao who stood by Joseph Estrada during the impeachment trial. Yes, you are beginning to look like the new Didagen Dilangalen.
I hope the new swimming pool and everything that goes with it are worth it.
Shame on YOU, Constantino!
Comments and Suggestions pls. email to: Greg_valdez@yahoo.com
1 comment:
try lang ni.. padayon!
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