I. Thou shalt vote according to the dictate of your conscience.
II. Thou shalt respect the decision of others in choosing their candidates.
III. Thou shalt seek to know the moral integrity, capabilities and other personal qualities of the candidates you will vote for.
IV. Thou shalt strive to understand the issues, platform and programs of candidates and parties seeking your vote.
V. Thou shalt not sell your vote.
VI. Thou shalt not vote for candidates using guns, goons and gold.
VII. Thou shalt not vote for candidates with records of graft and corruption, and human rights violation.
VIII. Thou shalt not vote for candidates just because of "utang na loob", personal appearance, popularity, or pakikisama.
IX. Thou shalt not vote for candidates living an immoral life.
X. Thou shalt put the welfare of the country above all else in choosing the candidates you will vote for.
Butuanon Moderatorwrote:
LORD, make me an instrument of your presence in the Polls.
Where there is coercion and violence,Let me sow seeds of love;Where there is bribery and vote buying,Let me sow seeds of integrity;Where there is discord,Let me sow seeds of unity;Where there is electoral fraud,Let me sow seeds of honesty;Where there is duplicity and propaganda,Let me sow seeds of truth;Where there is indifference,Let me sow seeds of care and concern;And, where there is despair in the electoral process,Let me sow seeds of hope.
Oh Divine Master, grant that I may not so muchThink of my selfish motives when I vote.Instill in me a deep sense of communal solidarity in my critical choice of candidates that would rise above the traditional politics of PAY-OFF, PERSONALITY and PATRONAGE.
Enlighten me to elect worthy men and women that embodyThe true spirit of public service in their moral consciousness.
For it is voting responsibly that we receive the fruits of true democracy.And it is in dying as a seed to our selfishnessThat we are born to eternal life. Amen.
II. Thou shalt respect the decision of others in choosing their candidates.
III. Thou shalt seek to know the moral integrity, capabilities and other personal qualities of the candidates you will vote for.
IV. Thou shalt strive to understand the issues, platform and programs of candidates and parties seeking your vote.
V. Thou shalt not sell your vote.
VI. Thou shalt not vote for candidates using guns, goons and gold.
VII. Thou shalt not vote for candidates with records of graft and corruption, and human rights violation.
VIII. Thou shalt not vote for candidates just because of "utang na loob", personal appearance, popularity, or pakikisama.
IX. Thou shalt not vote for candidates living an immoral life.
X. Thou shalt put the welfare of the country above all else in choosing the candidates you will vote for.
Butuanon Moderator
LORD, make me an instrument of your presence in the Polls.
Where there is coercion and violence,Let me sow seeds of love;Where there is bribery and vote buying,Let me sow seeds of integrity;Where there is discord,Let me sow seeds of unity;Where there is electoral fraud,Let me sow seeds of honesty;Where there is duplicity and propaganda,Let me sow seeds of truth;Where there is indifference,Let me sow seeds of care and concern;And, where there is despair in the electoral process,Let me sow seeds of hope.
Oh Divine Master, grant that I may not so muchThink of my selfish motives when I vote.Instill in me a deep sense of communal solidarity in my critical choice of candidates that would rise above the traditional politics of PAY-OFF, PERSONALITY and PATRONAGE.
Enlighten me to elect worthy men and women that embodyThe true spirit of public service in their moral consciousness.
For it is voting responsibly that we receive the fruits of true democracy.And it is in dying as a seed to our selfishnessThat we are born to eternal life. Amen.
(special thanks from butuanon yahoo groups/moderator & nasipit yahoo groups for this great commandments)
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